The Last King of Granada
Finally, my graduation film, The Last King of Granada, is finished, and handed in. It´s been a long and hard process, and I´m very tired, but despite all the stress and hard times, I would be lying if I said that I didn´t enjoy every second of it. Now it´s time to relax a little bit and think about the next project while waiting for the grades and feedbacks.
Feel free to check the trailer and leave a comment!
Thank you very much to my voice actors Francisco Najera, Charo Calle, Antonio Garcia and Irene Lopez, Daniel Sanchez del Aguila, who provided the music and had the patience of a Saint with me. Alberto Robles Delgado and Jose Caballero Lopez, my historical advisors without whom the film wouldn´t look anything like it does, and Michelle Brand, for her help with the animation.